Roll Your Own Rollyo

John Battelle just posted about a new site, Rollyo, that lets you “Create personal search engines using only the sources you trust.” They basically let you do Yahoo searches on just a subset of sites that you choose. “That’s a neat idea”, I thought. But then I quickly realized that its probably pretty easy to do with just using Yahoo Advanced Search. Sure enough, if you type in multiple sites into the “domain” box at Yahoo’s Advanced Search page, it lets you search those multiple sites.

So from there its just a simple step to create a little HTML form that will let you put a little search box on your page to search your own selection of sites. For example, here is a little search box that will let you search a couple of my favorite Vegas sites ;)

In fact, I think it might be a nifty little tool to allow people to create these little search boxes of their own and have it automatically generate the HTML for it. Hmmm … sounds like a good weekend project.

I’m sure Google must have the ability to search multiple domains as well, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it.

Rollyo takes this concept and extends it a little bit by making it more “social”, you can share your custom searches, combine them, etc.

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